If you haven't read all the books you won't get it.
Don't cry to me about spoilers either.

First... About the Sprites

Since I can't really take much credit (yet) for the sprites you'll find the original rippers/creators credited on this page. If your looking for good place to get sprites or help, go to these places:

If you are a decent spriter and wanna give me a hand, by all means, make a sampler of a character/creature that is in WoT and E-Mail it to me so I can see it. If it's cool and you want to make me a sheet that would be really great! You'll get full credit for the sprite of course. I'll be making more sprites and this page will be revised as new characters are created. I'm not begging for them... the comic will continue if no one ever tosses something my way. That's fine. A guy can dream though, can't he?

Eventually I'd like to have MM7 style sprites for all of the following (whether I make them or others do):

Female characters

  • Aviendha
  • Berelain
  • Birgitte
  • Cadsuane
  • Egianan
  • Egwene al'Vere
  • Elayne Trakand
  • Min
  • Moiraine Damodred
  • Nynaeve al'Meara

Male Characters

  • Aram
  • Bayle Domon
  • Galad Damodred
  • Gawyn Trakand
  • Juilin Sandar
  • Lan
  • Logain
  • Loial
  • Mazrim Taim
  • Padan Fain
  • Uno

General Groups

  • Aes Sedai
  • Aiel
  • Asha'man
  • Forsaken/Chosen
  • Sea Folk
  • Seanchan soldier
  • Tinkers
  • Townspeople
  • Trollucs
  • Whitecloaks
  • Generic Soldiers

The Cast

Rand al'Thor

In the books: Rand was a teenage farm boy from a rural village, Emonds Field in the Two Rivers. As fate would have it, he is one of the rare men able to use the One Power; a well of power that allows him to perform magical feats. He has now conquered many nations in order to organize mankind for the final battle against the embodiment of pure evil, Shai'tan. He is a good man who has had the fate of the world thrust upon him. He is the Dragon Reborn. Many follow him. Many fight him. All fear him.

In the comic: He is the Dragon Reborn, the Lord of the Morning, the Car'a'carn and not too bright. He's got all kinds of power: physical, political and heaps of the One Power. Hopefully his friends can steer him right otherwise he'll just make a fool of himself.

Original sprite by AdamS, modified by burnout. Used with permission.

Perrin Aybara

In the books: Perrin is the third and last of our heroes and also a childhood friend of Mat and Perrin. His humble beginnings as an apprentice blacksmith are seen in his bulging muscles. His eyes are no longer the dark brown of his fellow townspeople, but a burnished gold that is a result of his peculiar ability to talk to wolves and move consciously through the Dream World. Fiercely moral and despite appearances, very intelligent, Perrin has become the Lord of Manetheren. His only stumbling block is his wife, Faile, who is cousin to a queen. He loves her dearly but her jealousy of another noble, Berelain, the First of Mayene, may ultimately destroy him.

In the comic: Alas, Perrin is the only one of the trio with brains. He spends his time trying to keep his friends heads, as well as his own, firmly attached to his neck. He must also avoid the jealous rages of his wife.

Original sprite by AdamS, modified by burnout. Used with permission.

Thom Merrilin

In the books: How the mighty have fallen. Thom was once the court bard in Camelyn and even whispered to have been the queen's lover. A falling out with queen meant he took up a wandering life as a Gleeman: a entertainer with a multi-coloured cloak who goes from town to town telling stories, tumbling and juggling. As old as he may be he is sharply intelligent and quite nimble. His daggers can flash out at an astonishing speed. His uncanny political insight has been of great help to our three heroes whom he has befriended.

In the comic: Thom is a cantankerous old gleeman with a checkered past and a soft spot for our three heroes. Very intelligent but equally volatile. He does seem to be showing some signs of senility though...

Adapted by burnout from Deccus' expanded Dr. Wily sheet.

Eagle Head Trolluc

In the books: Trollucs were the foot soldier of the Dark One. Created by the Forsaken known as Aginor, Trollucs were the result of combining humans and naturally aggressive animals like boars, bears, wolves, goats, wildcats, rams and of course, eagles. Large, powerful and vicious by nature, these creatures kill for the pleasure of killing. When they get hungry, they fill their bellies with those they have killed. They're one great failing was that they were ruled by their sadistic nature and could not be controlled. It was soon found that the Myrdraal could drive them to fight by intimidating them. They are not very intelligent, but that's the least of your worries when one of these monstrosities bears down on you.

In the comic: Hungry. That's all these guys seem to think about. If there isn't something to eat, they get pissy. Thank the light they're so dam stupid... and ugly. Do you have any idea how bad their breath is?

Adapted by burnout from MrDW's Sigma with cloak sheet.

Mat Cauthon

In the books: Mat is a childhood friend of Rand. They grew up together and have shared incredible adventures. He's a gambler and a trickster with a penchant for getting into trouble with women. Through some bizarre twists of fate, he has the knowledge of all the greatest generals of legend in his head and has acquired perfect fluency in the Old Tongue, an archaic dead language. He avoids conflict and would rather gamble and drink spiced wine at an Inn, but he has ended up being Rand's military commander and the leader the Band of the Red Hand. Beware his whirling staff.

In the comic: Much like Rand, he's not too bright but does manage to have brief flashes of intelligence... very brief. All he wants to do is avoid trouble but trouble always seems to follow him.

Original sprite by AdamS, modified by burnout. Mat's hat is by QuantumNull. Used with permission.


In the books: Hopper is one of the first wolves to befriend Perrin. Though he was killed, he is now Perrin's companion in the Dream World. Old and wise, he guides Perrin through danger.

In the comic: He's a wolf. He's also dead. He's always around to help Perrin though. Tough, smart and surprisingly nimble for a dead mutt. Kinda handy to be able to talk to wolves, isn't it?

Adapted by burnout from Sakura Museigen's resized Treble sheet. Much help given by Jewl and many others at the Bob and George Sprite Forum.

A Myrddraal (MURDH - draal)

In the books: Few creatures inspire fear like a Myrdraal. They are servants of the Dark One, Shai'tan. Where most men have eyes, Myrddraal have unbroken skin. Nonetheless, their gaze can paralyze the fiercest warrior with fear. They can disappear into a shadow and appear in another regardless of the distance between them. Their raspy snakelike voice aptly reflects their serpentine grace with a sword.

In the comic: Fetch, Fade, Lurk, Neverborn, and the Eyeless. Whatever you call these things, you are screwed. Lightening fast, amazingly difficult to kill and just plain spooky. Somehow they never get anything done though. They just keep getting killed.

Adapted from Protoman by burnout. The hair is by Remix of MegaW00T.


In the books: The city of Aridhol abandoned the Light and soon it's entire people were consumed by evil. All that remained was Mashadar, a concentration of that evil and hate. It is a giant black fog that wanders the ruins by night. It is bound within the city which is a source of fear for both the heroes of the Light and the minions of the Dark. Aridhol is no more and where it once stood is now known as Shadar Logoth. In the old tongue it means "Where the Shadow Waits" or "Shadow's Waiting". May the Light protect any who fall under it's shadow.

In the comic: Basically, it's concentrated evil. If it touches you, you're dead and it looks like... fog? Nonetheless, this fella is dangerous and seems to have a grudge against one of our heroes. Though this massive black fog is trapped in Shadar Logoth, a small piece of it seems to have gotten free...

Okay, it's just a recolour of a Kirby character, but isn't it cute? Original rip by Mav the Hedgehog.


In the books: These creatures won't come at you at a sword, but they are no less deadly for their lack of weapons. Draghkar, at first glance, look like an overly tall, frail, pale-skinned man with large dark eyes wrapped in a large cloak. Their weapon is their kiss. A Draghkar croons a hypnotic sound that draws it's victims to it. It then proceeds to drain their soul from their bodies with a kiss. They are not instantly fatal, but it is said that those that have survived the kiss would be better off dead as part or all of their soul is gone.

In the comic: Kind of a bummer not being able to use a sword. Comes in handy when there are a lot of violent people and creatures around. This guy doesn't talk much, just croons a little tune. Sure, he can kill a farm wife or even your run of the mill soldier but that isn't who he's worried about. Guys with flaming swords, big axes and whirling staffs tend to smack him around a bit.

Adapted by burnout from ArkMagus' author sprite.

Additional Sprite Credits

Castle wall sprites ripped by Dragon Goddess

Miscellaneous objects by Anime Spriter

Please let me know if I haven't given the credit for something.

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