If you haven't read all the books you won't get it.
Don't cry to me about spoilers either.

This page will contain an archive of my rants since Keenspace doesn't have a way to easily manipulate the position of rants in relation to the comics. Hopefully they will in the future or maybe I'll script something that will fix that. Each rant will have a link to the appropriate comic.

Comic for 13/11/2002: Ignorance isn't bliss

- Poor Perrin has been left out of the strip for so long. When it comes to women, it's always safer to know as much as possible. There are those that have speculated that I have an intense fear of women. That is most assuredly not the case. I am merely aware of their capacity for destruction... then again, perhaps ignorance is bliss.

I think I've finally come up with a domain name for the new home of Wot now. I'm hoping the move to a new and proper host will be complete by this time next week. The current ezBoard forum will be replaced with a much more feature rich phpBB2 forum. The news page will be no more as each rant will appear with the appropriate comic. I'll also have a rotating random link banner (NOT advertisements) integrated into the site to showcase some interesting web pages. So, if any of you have a site and have a standard 468x60 banner, E-Mail me the banner, URL and a quick description of your site. It doesn't have to be WoT related. If it's cool, you're in.

Stay tuned my little WoT fanatics. Wot now version 2.0 is coming soon.

Comic for 11/11/2002: Two for stew

- Can you believe it? We've come so far together. So many laughs, so many tears. But it's here. It's already the 22nd comic. Wow. Actually, I guess it's no big deal. Nonetheless, a lot of stuff has happened. All the members of the swiss cheese club (get it? swiss cheese? you know... holes... like in your memory... go to the forum for a full explanation... I guess... I had a lot of trouble understanding it all myself) need to be reminded of what's going on sometimes so I put together a little recap. :) Mat has returned as well! That's the thing with ta'veren: they always get drawn back together.

My paycheck has come in but my lousy car has decided to act up on me (read the about page to hear about that marvel of engineering). Due to the lousy timing I may have to wait another week or so before I shell out the cash for a new host. We'll see.

If any of you read the Life of Riley comic, you'll have seen a link to this site on their blog, but if you don't, you've got to check it out. Homestarrunner.com is an eclectic collection of really well done flash cartoons using some original characters. The humour is childish and stupid... damn I think it's funny. There's a lot of stuff there. I haven't even finished looking at it all. If you check out anything it should be Strong Bad's e-mail. There's a cartoon detailing Strong Bad's response to about 50 fan e-mails! In case you're wondering, Strong Bad is one of the characters and he looks like a pint sized Mexican wrestler. He's craptastic.

Comic for 08/11/2002: Nae'blis Training: Day Three

- C'mon... you had to see that one coming. I was very tempted to do a Fat Bastard bit for the Trolluc at the end there: "Get in ma belly". I thought I'd go with something a little more understated. Rand, once again, shows he's a little slow in keeping up with things. Do you like the trolluc cook pot? You can't have a Trolluc without having a cook pot. It just wouldn't be right.

I've continued to make excellent progress on the comic automation scripting for the new site. I should be able to get a proper web host and have the site running in the next week or so. Some excellent suggestions for added features have come out of the Forum (which has seen quite a flurry of posting activity, thanks guys and gals). One of them, by The Heron, is to make a comic with all the word bubbles empty so people could fill in their own words and make a little fan comic submission. I kinda like that idea. I may even take it a step further by making a template for making strips (much like dpad's colour forms) to allow a little more flexibility in what you can make.

I'd like to get as much feedback as possible though. If you have an idea of a feature to add to the site or some further scripting I can do, send me an E-Mail or drop by the Forum and leave your suggestions there. In particular, I'm looking for a new domain name. Unfortunately, wotnow.com is taken so I'm looking for a fantasy type name with fire worked into it somehow (burnout... get it?) that hasn't been taken to use as a top level for the site. All suggestions are welcome.

Since the countdown to the release of Crossroads of Twilight has begun, I figured I should have a counter as well. You should have noticed it by now in the right bar. I mean, how can you not?

Comic for 06/11/2002: Nae'blis Training: Day Two

- One would hope that the Dragon Reborn would be able to sound at least a little bit threatening but alas, it is not to be. You'll also note that our Trolluc has named himself Narg. Okay, I stole that one. If anyone remembers the earliest chapters of Eye of the World you'll recall a Trolluc was playing dead in Rand and Tam's home so he could ambush our intrepid hero. That trolluc was of course Narg. I always though it was such an excellent name. Somehow in those four measly letters and single syllable it conveys the idea that this creature is both dangerous and dumb.

When this week is over I will be very, very happy. I work for a legal publishing company. Said company is required to print x releases of y books each year. That being the case everyone is going completely mad to meet all the end of the year deadlines. What does this mean for poor burnout? It means I'm getting closer to a break down with all the work being thrown my way. I'm actually looking forward to next Monday. The publication deadline will pass and done or not, my workload should go down drastically. Then perhaps all those horrible voices in my head will stop.

My desperation to escape Keenspace grows ever stronger and is actually progressing quite well. I've almost completed the scripts for the basic comic automation and archiving. It's working quite nicely and will allow me to link my comics to my little rants. Seeing as how the most vital scripting for the site is almost complete I'm not going to wait as long to set up my own site. I won't bother with all the bells and whistles immediately. New features will be integrated into the site as I script them or find a content management system to customize to my needs. Keep an eye out in the next week or two because WoT now will be moving. I'll set this place up as a redirect page for as long as I can. Stick around.

Comic for 04/11/2002: Nae'blis Training: Day One

- Gotta remember your WoT trivia for this strip. A Myrddraal carries a Thakandar blade. It's a black blade that is forged at the foot of Shayol Ghul. Rand carries a One Power wrought blade. When the two hit each other you get blue lightning (no, not greased lightning *shudder*). It's also worth noting that sprite comics have some restrictions. Unless you're a particularly talented artist (which I'm not) you make do with the poses that you've got. You can do a bit of cut and paste to make some new poses, which I do regularly, but you're kinda stuck when the hand position you want is on the wrong hand. As such, I included a little [i]Princess Bride[/i] tribute in here as well.

Another weekend in the crapper. Is it me or do they seem remarkably short these days? I think I'm still waiting for the 4 day work week to come into effect. I don't think I'll hold my breath though.

I did have some fun this weekend. I went to see The Transporter at the movies. It stars Jason Statham, a balding Brit who most of you probably don't know by name. He's been in some British made films, all of which I highly recommend: Snatch (as Turkish... and a great line about zee germans... that one is for you Shadowkiller), Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (as Bacon) and Mean Machine (as Monk). North Americans may recognize him from as well from Ghosts of Mars (which I haven't seen) and The One (which I wish I hadn't seen). All I can say about him is this: cool. The Transporter is an adrenaline rush with some incredible driving sequences, some truly fun martial arts and a couple of good laughs. There was one fight in which everyone gets covered in motor oil. It's a unique fight which you have to see to believe. Go, watch, enjoy... except for all the British subjects out there. You have to wait until December. Suckers.

Comic for 01/11/2002: And the eyes have it

- I betcha thought that the Draghkar in the eighth strip was just a random shadowspawn encounter. Ahhhh, but now you see you were mistaken. I had planned it all along (I swear). I happen to think Toots is a very appropriate name for our crooning shadowspawn. Descriptive yet stupid. Right up my alley... and yes, splort is the sound eyeballs make when you step on them (don't ask). Now the true lessons begin. Rand has much to learn to become Nae'blis. If you caught my homage to the Kids in the Hall in this strip, you are my new best friend. If not and you know what the hell the Kids in the Hall is I'll give you a hint: Fade = Sir Simon Milligan and Manservant Hecubus = Rand.

I hope everyone had a fun halloween. Such a peculiar little holiday. It amazes me what lengths some people will go for a costume and how pathetic an attempt others make. Girls, don't be witches. It's been done to death. It's boring. Guys, for goodness sake, Dracula is just as old and boring as the witches (... yeah, I know that's what I dressed up as... so what... look I didn't have much time to get a costume... fine then, screw you). People never cease to amaze me. You can find every kind of costume: the good, the bad, the ugly, the trampy (this could also go under the "good" category... this is gonna get me hit by my girlfriend again... but she made a very sexy kittycat this halloween) and the colossally stupid (all I can say about this one: why?).

Although when the following pictures were not halloween pictures, it's still pretty cool (and yet extremely scary) how much trouble these people went through at DragonCon to make some WoT costumes:

Do you know what I think is fun? Stupid little animations. So I added a nifty little animated avatar that I found to my signature. Isn't he cute? I swear I laughed at the little guy for 10 minutes. Yes, that's how empty my life is. Nonetheless, it adds a little colour to my rather bland signature. Look at him. Seriously. Damn funny, eh?

Comic for 30/10/2002: Here's looking at you kid

- Hmmmm... Poor Draghkar.... left all alone against the Dragon Reborn. He seemed a little more pissed off that a Draghkar is normally, don't you think? A physical attack isn't really their style. One might think he had a motive other than the basic "I'm a shadowspawn and I'm going suck out your soul".

Okay, I need some help here. I want to get away from Keenspace. Why? It's been over a month and they've taken their pretty damn time fixing the DNS problem. They are useless. As such, I'm going to get a real host and my own web address. One small problem: www.wotnow.com is taken. So, I need ideas. Head on in to the forum where I've got a post about this. Give me an idea. Throw some words and phrases at me that are Sci-Fi/Fantasy related so I can come up with the name of a parent site which will host not only this comic, but some book and movie reviews and some geeky programming stuff.

I've also posted a sprite sheet in the welcome thread in the forum of the Eagle head Trolluc. Take a peek.

Comic for 28/10/2002: Good eatin'

- Pretty bold to declare oneself Nae'blis, isn't it? For those who don't follow the books too closely, the Nae'blis is the Forsaken (which are like "dark disciples") who is chosen to be the Dark One's right hand. That's only one step down from the Dark One. It seems that the baddies don't take Rand too seriously. You probably guessed that I watched Silence of the Lambs over the weekend too.

Good weekend. My girlfriend and I went to a Halloween party put on by two of our old friends from the bookstore we all used to work at. It was a roaring good time. My sweet girlfriend had never seen me drunk in the over year and a half we've been together. That has been rectified. She very sweetly drove my drunk ass home on Saturday night. I don't get drunk often. In fact it's been somewhere around 18 months since I last did. Mostly, this is because I have very little opportunity to get a drive home and my own dismal capacity for alcohol. You think being Irish, English and Spanish would mean I'd be able to drink like a fish, but alas, 'tis not so. I'd have to say I was pretty funny to look at: a guy in a Dracula outfit and glasses who giggled at anything. One girl even said I looked like Harry Potter. Bitch.

The DNS problems continue, as usual. Burnout very bitter. As such, I've begun doing some php stuff for comic automation so I can get a proper (paid) webhost and get away from Keenspace. I'm sorry, but a month is more than long enough to fix a problem. Since I'm doing all the programming myself in my spare time, which is very sparse, it'll be a little while. I'm hoping that I'll have a new host in a month. I have to figure out a name for the site as well as wotnow.com is already taken (although not being used). If anyone has got some ideas, let me know! I'll be trying to integrate everything into it: my own guest book, book and movie reviews, comic automation and link directory. I might even take a stab at writing my own forum so I can have a full user authentication system. That's enough geek stuff for now though.

Since I've begun using some more shadowspawn, you'll find the Cast page has been updated to include Draghkars and Eagle head Trollucs.

If anybody has got some ideas of other WoT sites that can post a link for me, let me know. Any of you out there with a site of your own, I'll gladly link you if you link me.

Comic for 25/10/2002: Not funny... but necessary

- This strip isn't really "funny" but it is needed to advance the plot a little. I mean hey, we get to see Hopper's arrival and we find out where Rand got to. My recently finished "Eagle" Trolluc and my mini-Myrdraal make their debuts as well. Kinda reminds me of the Cantina from Star Wars actually. I particularly like the picture of the Bartender Trolluc's mom on the wall. Isn't she cute? Watch yourself though. Her home cooking isn't any prettier than her face. Ewwwww.

As previously mentioned, the forum is up and running. A couple people have even commented in it. Since I'm such a sucker for feedback you'll find I've responded to every post. This is because I have no life. Nonetheless, I enjoy it. Please feel free to post there. Anything at all. Chat with people, give me some feedback (what you like, what you don't like), give me a suggestions for the storyline or ideas for future ones. I've also added a couple of sites to the Links page. Mostly, it's a bunch of art related sites that I like or have been a help to me. Guaranteed coolness.

It's been a pretty busy week for me. The frantic rush of the publishing biz has me scrambling to get things done to meet the publishing schedule for the year. I went on the trip over the weekend. To top it off, I've been busy configuring my nifty new computer with it's big freakin' 19" screen. Damn it's cool to get a new computer. It's got all the bells and whistles: DVD, CD-RW, a nice speaker set, 80 Gig HD (up from my previous 10), 512 Mb of RAM and a blazing fast 2 GHz Pentium 4!!! It rules! It'll kick your computers ass! It's the freakin' Ferrari of computers. I'm going to cobble together a lovely little Linux box from my old computer and some spare parts. Then I'm gonna get a router and I can play Quake with myself over my own personal network!

That sounded wrong, didn't it? I think I just said I was going to play with myself. Ah well. Since I've not had a computer that was anywhere near "good" before, I can actually play games since the system is fast enough. Couple that with my über-geek Linux aspirations and you can tell I'm aiming to become the biggest geek possible. 'Cause ya gotta have goals, dude.

Comic for 23/10/2002: Interlude: Magic is in the air

- Okay, a little break from the story line. I just wanted to break things up a little. I used to be a huge fan of the card game Magic: The Gathering. I played my first game in high school about 8 years ago. I think the only reason I stopped playing was that I no longer had friends who played. So I started mucking around with the cards and got this. I giggled like a little girl the whole time I was making this. In case there are some of you wondering, the "mountains and feathers" thing that is referred to on Rand's card is the oft heard saying "Duty is heavier than a mountain, death lighter than a feather". Shame on you if you didn't know that. You call yourself a WoT fan? Actually, from what I can find, Jordan "borrowed" that from the Japanese. Sneaky guy. I think I'll cry if he uses it one more time though.

Wanna hear something that should come as a complete non-surprise? The site is still messed up! Yay! Even the admin at Keenspace are at a loss as to the whereabouts of this peculiar creature called "Nate" who is responsible for fixing up the DNS sync problems that cause this site to disappear for an hour or two (or six on Monday night). Once again, sorry. I'm sorry. I'm desperately sorry. I beg forgiveness and seek redemption in the Light. I also call all the curses of the Dark One down on Nate. If you know this guy, smack him for me.

I've changed the layout of the site a little (again) and compliments of the good people at ezBoard, there is now a forum. I'm not expecting much participation really, but I thought I'd like to have a place for people go and tell me they like/hate the comic/me. There have been a number of amusing entries in the guestbook so I'm hoping one or two people may move the conversation here (that mean's you martialassassin). I always enjoying bandying words with others, particularly insults concerning my lack of talent in the art and humour departments. It's all in fun though. Feel free to comment on the comic and my dismal art skills there.

Comic for 21/10/2002: The Creator Revealed!

- If you think about it, it's pretty appropriate that the Creator turns out to be Jordan. He did create Randland after all. If anyone has ever read any interviews that Jordan has given, you'll know that when he's asked about something concerning future events his response has always been "read and find out". He's said it so often that there's an abbreviation for it: RAFO.

Montreal was fun! It's a beautiful city. It's a very old city (on the order of 350 years) and has some very picturesque hills around it. I got to have some authentic Montreal smoked meat and some properly made poutine. You just have to have some smoked meat when you're there. It just melts in your mouth. Unfortunately, I didn't get to see a whole lot of the city but I hope to go back and experience more of the city. The people were extremely friendly and boy do they know how to party.

Alas, the Toronto Maple Leafs came away with only a tie, but all things considered I was happy. My only complaint was the choice of the "Molson 3 stars of the game". At the end of the game three players are chosen that affected the outcome of the game the most. In a tie one would expect that there would be two players chosen from one team and one from the other. This did not happen. All three stars were chose from the Montreal Canadiens. Odd. They didn't lose but neither did they win. Grrrrrrrr...

Comic for 18/10/2002: Divine Intervention

- There are those that believe that, in the books, Mat, through his association with Aludra, will create cannons or even rifles. I desperately hate that idea. I think it would severely impair my ability to enjoy the series. Thus, this strip. You'll note that the Creator will be a little more visible in my Randland. There'll be a little twist to him as well, but you'll have to wait until Monday for that one.

This is going to be a truly awesome weekend. Being Canadian, I am, of course, a rabid hockey fan (we must perpetuate all the stereotypes after all). I'm headed to Montreal with my girlfriend and some friends for the weekend to see the Toronto Maple Leafs slap the Canadiens around the ice. I wish I could remember more of my high school french right about now. I've never been very deep into Quebec, Canada's primarily french province. Montreal has a lot of english speakers so I expect be okay. Kind of a bummer too. My accent is excellent, but I can't remember any of the bloody words! You can bet that I'm bringing some Montreal smoked meat back.

Have a good weekend and all you Canadians out there should look for a bunch of guys in Leaf jerseys on Hockey Night in Canada!

Comic for 16/10/2002: One foot in the grave

- Faile seems fairly resilient doesn't she? Do you think that Faile is going to be pissed at Mat now or just be pushed further into a murderous rage? I think that Perrin is going to have his hands full. Before you say anything, no, it wasn't a stick of dynamite. Mat threw some fireworks that he got from Aludra. See, I'm sticking to stuff they had in the books.

It seems Thanksgiving is over here and I'm very sad. I had to go back to work. I know, I know... what a horrible fate. The worst part was that there was no left over turkey. However, I did get to take home some of my mom's delectable homemade pumpkin pie... which is already gone. I'm suffering from post-pie depression. It was sooooo good.

On another note, I've added two more comics to the side bar. One is called Neo Tengoku. It's a sprite comic that uses sprites from many of the old Neo Geo fighting game sprites. Beware, there's a lot of swearing, violence and some sexual innuendo. Cool eh? I had thought that the comic died but the author started updating it again. The other is VG Cats. It's a beautifully drawn parody of many different games. Strangely, the main characters that do these parodies are a grey and a pink cat. Once again, if you like video games, go read it.

Comic for 14/10/2002: Don't ask, don't tell

- Ewwwwwww. Our storyline forks a bit here as Rand has left the group. We'll see him again a little later, don't worry. I'm sure he'll be doing something that probably isn't the brightest thing.

SORRY! The DNS problems, as you've probably figured out, are continuing. I'm getting extremely frustrated with it. As of right now, no, I can't fix it myself, no, I can't get my host, Keenspace, to work any faster on this and yes, I'd love to be able to balefire their ass right now. In the very least I'd love to give them such a pinch.

Thanks to Shadowkiller at Thetrio.net for putting up a lovely little banner link to my site. It was completely unsolicited and a pleasant surprise. Some of you may want to take a peak at it. It's a bit on the black and green side for my taste (nothing personal guys) but it's got something very cool: a WoT RPG. No, I don't mean like Final Fantasy. I mean a real D&D type RPG. It's played online and in real-time using OpenRPG, a nifty little open source solution to all your role playing needs. Shadowkiller has written quite a detailed back story to the whole thing. It begins about 20 years after Tarmon Gai'don and all our beloved characters are in interesting new positions. Take a peek. It's pretty cool. You'll find that Thetrio.net has also bee added to the links section. If I've misstated anything here, let me know!

I've also joined the Top Web Comics listing. This is really just so there's another site with a link to me. If you like what you see, by all means, click on the button in the bar on the right. If I can get into the top 150 I'll get on the front page and hopefully attract a few more people. No big deal though. I'm not uptight about it.

Comic for 11/10/2002: Rock and a Hard Place

- Rand can torch a Draghkar but he can't stand the thought of running into Faile. Typical guy. The fellowship is broken and the dream is lost. Who will live and who will die? Tune in again on Monday my friends. Same WoT time. Same WoT channel.

Now we find out who my public is. Since the banner ads ended traffic has slowed down. I'm pleased to say that it didn't fall as much as I'd thought. To those that stuck around: thanks. Glad to be here. This is turning out to be a heck of a lot more fun than I thought. Sorry (again) for the DNS problems. Things are going very slowly on that front. Please be patient with it. If you have trouble getting through to the site, try again in a few minutes and (hopefully) you'll get through.

Thanks for the comments in the guestbook too. My girlfriend even graced the site with a comment there. She's not a fantasy reader, but she seems to be amused nonetheless. I think the whole idea of me making a comic amuses her.

Happy Thanksgiving to all the Canucks out there. 'Tis the weekend of the gobble gobble here in the Great White North. I live for Turkey dinners. The stuffing, the potatoes, the gravy... it's all good. The best part is, without question, the turkey sandwiches for the days following this lovely holiday. You poor American's have to wait another month! Of course, I have to wait until Christmas for my next one. I think every month should have a holiday that involves a big turkey dinner.

One might ask where I get ideas for this strip (or not, but I'll tell you anyway). Quite simply, it's my own stupidity. For example, last night I went to do my laundry. My pathetic little apartment has no laundry facilities so I have to go to a run down piece of crap coin laundry. I run an errand first, then head over. I buy a roll of quarters, some soap and some dryer sheets. I put the soap in the washer. I open the door to the washer and reach over to put my clothes in. This is the point at which I realize I've forgotten to actually bring my clothes with me. Of course, by the time I come back, someone has quite happily used the soap I provided. Thus is my inspiration for Rand.


Comic for 09/10/2002: Danger Will Robinson!

- You have to be really careful when you've got such incredible power at your disposal. You might hurt someone! So there's a couple of firsts here. Rand finally channels and we get to see a shadowspawn! You have to wonder what happened to Faile though. She must be catching up by now...

The draghkar is actually an only slightly modified version of a sprite by ArkMagus from the Bob and George Sprite forum. Many thanks. I guess I've got to add him to the cast page soon. I also got to play around with a few filters. Now I can set things on fire! Woohoo! Just gotta figure out a way to do balefire now. Now that'll be fun. But not yet, not yet.

All good things must come to an end and so it is with my little banner on wotmania. The hit count will decline, but thus is the nature of these things. I can't complain. I got a huge response from that banner. Most of you seem to have come from there. So thanks, stick around and tell your friends. If you know of some other place that can help me get the word out about the strips existence, let me know. I hope to keep this bad boy going for quite a while yet!

I'm looking for some more comics to read too... if any of you like the comics I've got on the right there and know of ones in a similar vein, gimme a holler. Some of my favourites seem to have stalled at the moment and I'm not getting enough of a fix!

Comic for 07/10/2002: A Questionable Track Record

- Meee-ow... Guys can be catty too. The guys are awfully talkative today aren't they? While they stand bickering Faile is undoubtedly catching up to them. Then again, there are other things out there in Randland that can hurt our friends. Stay tuned...

Proud of myself am I. Much work did I do. Little time did I have. As you can see, the site got a slight facelift, there was an extra comic on Sunday and I managed to attend all my social functions. How's that for dedication? I know, I know... you don't really care, but I do. The more of these comics I do, the longer it seems to take me. I thought you were supposed to get better and faster at these as you go. I think it's more that my imagination exceeds my talent as an artist. Then again, my imagination isn't that great either.

Comic for 06/10/2002: The Gang's All Here

- You knew I had to get all three of the guys into the strip eventually. Besides, I like how Mat looks. Not a lot happening here, which is why I updated on Sunday. There'll be an update on Monday too.

As you may have noticed, I've played around a little with the site design. I didn't like the menu bar very much. In this case, I thought less is more, so navigation will just be the text links at the top now. I think it looks a little classier. I also though the strip should be on the left. My eyes are drawn to it a bit more. I've added two dropdown link lists at the bottom of the page. The first, the generic Keenspace dropdown, I'm already in. The second is Keenadian which I've applied to join. Basically, you can randomly select a comic title out of the list and you get to see one of the other comics hosted here. It's kind of interesting to grab a random comic and see what's out there. You may find something funny or something that looks like it was drawn by a colour blind two year old (I.E. me).

Believe it or not, this site is doing okay. I'm getting between 60 and 90 unique visitors a day, but as things turn out, when you compare that to the other comics on Keenspace, I'm in the top 5% of pages served! Not bad for a week and a half old comic. That will change drastically once my lovely little banner ad stops running on wotmania, but let me bask in the glory while it lasts. We'll have to see how many of you stick around. ;)

Comic for 04/10/2002: Run Forrest, Run

- Join the Dragonsworn they said. See the world they said. They never said anything about running from a maniacally jealous wife. You have to wonder at this point: Did it ever occur to Rand that he can Travel? Well, no one said he was bright. The backgrounds from this strip can be found on the Background Exchange. It's a really handy site with a lot of reconstructed backgrounds from a bunch of the 16-bit consoles.

What can I say but sorry. My host, Keenspace, has yet to work out some DNS synch problems that cause the site to go up and down like a yo-yo. The site will still be here, but it's going a little slow. Keenspace admin say there's only one guy who can fix the problem and he seems to be a little slow at attacking the problem. Nonetheless, I'm still here. Stick around. I promise things will get better... someday.

Watch out on Saturday or Sunday as I'll probably be doing an extra update over the weekend. Don't hold me to that though. I'll see what I can do, but I've got a busy weekend. Got a party to go to and a theme park to visit. Bummer huh? Well, not for me. Either way, they'll be a new comic up on Monday at the latest. I may spend some time redesigning the menu bar instead of a new strip. It's already starting to bug me. Still, I'll probably give preferential treatment to an extra strip.

Thanks again to those who have signed the Guestbook. I like knowing there are people seeing this. The feedback is mostly good but all feedback is welcome.

Comic for 02/10/2002: Nice right hook

- C'mon... You know you wondered what those Saldaean girls are like. I know I have. I'm gonna get a whack in the head from my girlfriend for that one. Ah well. It just goes to show that guys may talk big but when it comes to women, we're really cowards. Big thanks to AdamS for the use of his Valor Knight. I don't think you'll ever see Faile in this strip. She's much more fearsome this way I think.

Things are still a little screwy with the DNS entry. The page is still here but you may get the occasional "not found". Keenspace says that this should work itself out very soon. Oh, and I'd love to sell you the Brooklyn Bridge for this one-time low, low price... Looks like the guestbook is working okay though. It's nice to get some feedback. Have your say! Flame my ass! I would really like to hear what you think, good or bad. Even so, if it's bad, give me some idea on what I can work on. Be specific. Help a guy out.

Thanks again to WoTmania. The banner ad is providing a clickthru ratio of just over 10% so far. That is phenomenal. I don't expect everyone to stick around of course, but I'm glad people are actually seeing this.

My chest cold is getting better and I went back to work Tuesday. Yay! I had a huge bunch of "please fix me now" e-mails. Boo! I've got a billion things to do. The publishing biz gets really crazy for me the closer we get to the end of the year as we've got to get all of our stuff out before the end of the year. I've been told that chest colds are one of the best things about Canada. While I disagree completely (and question the sanity of someone who says that) I understand the sentiment. Hail to the Great White North! For it is here that one will find the strength and beauty that is the Winter's Heart. ;)

Comic for 30/09/2002: The Siren's Call

- Is Perrin whipped or does he merely have an excellent sense of self-preservation? I'd have to say it's a little from column A and a little from column B. However, when you're married to someone who's as handy with knives as Faile is you must learn to step lightly.

Did I say the kinks in Keenspace had worked themselves out? I didn't mean it. There's still a small problem with the DNS so you may occasionally get a "domain not found" error, but fear not, I'm still here. If you're reading this, obviously things are okay. Hopefully I will get some more people here. I've submitted the site to Google and Yahoo as well as some reasonably well known WoT sites. I've purchased a banner ad at WoTmania that should start running about midweek (at a bargain basement price for a site with such a perfect target audience I might add).

I've yet to get any feedback from a reader. Let me know if you are actually reading this! I've gotten a guestbook while I'm waiting for the forum to be setup. There's a link over in the left bar to it.

I'm a little behind on my own comic schedule as well. I've had a horrible chest cold that's left me incapacitated for the last few days (yeah, I know, Canada can suck sometimes) and I'm not where I want to be in terms of production of strips, but I'll make sure I deliver on time.

Comic for 27/09/2002: The smile says it all

- Oh that naughty Rand. He already has three women throwing themselves at him. It may seem like no big deal, but there's a storm on the horizon. So begins the first story arc. I can't say I'm entirely sure how long it will be, but I have a number of strips already written for it.

The kinks in Keenspace seem to have worked themselves out so I will begin a proper update schedule. I've requested a forum to be set up for the site but it will probably be a while before it's up and running. The admin at Keenspace don't seem to be particularly fast at responding to these things. No one who's requested a forum has gotten one since early August so I'm not holding my breath.

We'll see what this whole thing develops into. All previous rants will be available on the News page and the archived strips will contain links back to the appropriate rant in case you missed something.

In the meantime, gimme a hand! Word of mouth seems to be the best way to promote these comics so pass it on to other Wheel of Time fans if you think this is in any way amusing. I know, I've only got two strips up, so how the heck can you tell if it's funny? Humour me. If you wish to link to me, there's a little link button on the Links page you can use.

I've updated the Cast page a bit. It's a bit more detailed with information about characters in the novels as well as what they're like in the comic. If you haven't read Wheel of Time, it may clarify things for you a bit. However, if you plan on reading the books, it could ruin some things for you. It's your choice.

Comic for 25/09/2002: Pig Flies Over Willow Tree

- I know... does the Internet really need another webcomic. Not really. But then, when has that ever stopped anyone? So, welcome to my new comic: WoT now?

So, if you haven't read The Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan, you're not going to understand a damn thing. It's a niche comic and purely for entertainment. I hope to have at least one loyal reader. Also, I can't say I've figured out an update schedule. I'm going to try the Monday, Wednesday, Friday thing to see if I can do it but I'll be honest, I'm not sure I can. At the very least, I'll update twice a week.

What the hell is this? It's a parody. It's irreverent and stupid. I've read all the books and liked them, although I was pretty pissy somewhere around Lord of Chaos... that book was really weak. There's a lot of material to work from and I like to think I'm at least a little funny. So, for all you purists: this is for fun! I follow no particular chronology in the books so I'll probably reference events in all of the 9 books (that means beware of spoilers). There will be singleton strips, but there will also be story arcs, the first of which begins in the next strip.

As you may have noticed, I'm not an artist. The sprites are based on Megaman 7 style sprites. Most are adapted from other artists who you will find credited on the Cast page. I've tried to make it visually appealing with reasonably detailed backgrounds. I'll be adding more characters over time as I'm able to make new sprites or con a talented spriter into doing some for me. If you're a spriter and want to help me out, by god, e-mail me! There's only one MM7 female (Roll) and I can't for the life of me use her to create all the female characters.

Until the forum gets set up by the good people at Keenspace (which could take a while) please feel free to e-mail your comments to me (click on the Contact button). I'd love to hear if anyone actually reads this.

As for today's comic, I know there's a long standing tradition in martial arts for naming particular stances and movements, but you've got to admit they got a little weird in WoT. This is what happens when a bored geek comes up with his own stances.

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The Wheel of Time and all associated characters are © 1990 by Robert Jordan
Megaman is © by Capcom
All other material is © 2002 Dave Doyle